Last 24 hours can be called most fruitful 24 hours!
I bought a HP notebook 15 days.. a monster with 2 Gb RAM and Claws of VISTA ,howevr i was unable to rum most of my old softwares with (especially Oracle 9i).
i tried Dual Booting (http://tarunreflex.blogspot.com/2008/06/dual-boot-vista-and-xp-with-vista.html) but failed becoz of new BIOS upgrade by HP and unavailability of USB floppy drive..( http://tarunreflex.blogspot.com/2008/06/install-windows-xp-on-sata-without.html )
Howevr i came across Microsoft Virtual PC 2007 last night ( http://tarunreflex.blogspot.com/2008/07/run-windows-xp-over-windows-vista.html )
and installed XP on Virtual PC running on Windows VISTA.
The installed addons and enabled Folder Sharing between host Os and XP and shared Oracle 9i 3 CD setup ( http://tarunreflex.blogspot.com/2008/07/download-oracle-9i-3-cd-set-up.html ).
The i started the installation proces.. as usual..
1.) The file transaction_processing.dbf at C:\oracle\ora90\assistants\dbca\templates failed to be copied (checked error log created )
so i cancelled the installation of the file and proceeded further with installtion.
2.) due to unavailability of file transaction_processing.dbf at C:\oracle\ora90\assistants\dbca\templates DATABSE CONFIGURATION ASSISTANT failed to start.
I skipped that too.but i didnt exit the installation by pressing EXIT BUTTON. I waited and took following actions:
1.) Copy the file file transaction_processing.dbf at C:\oracle\ora90\assistants\dbca\templates from a good ORACLE installation (I copied it from my old laptop and pasted it in the right place) and started DATABASE CONFIGURATION ASSISTANT agn.
And whoa..
It worked.
I started Oracle tried few simple queries and it seemed good.howevr i havent tested many things but i think it will work out.
Feelfree to try and let me know of improvements and suggestions
I will b posting related post at http://tarunreflex.blogspot.com/.
Google Search
Install Oracle 9i on Windows VISTA :: Tried and Worked